Know to deliberate
A first decisive step towards the change was made, especially in Italy, with the spread of small and medium-sized enterprises, which were able to approach the market with greater flexibility and speed of adjustment. By the way, it is in this period that Italy starts to become an industrial Country in the full sense of the term.
But the decisive step is performed depending on two factors: on the one hand the explosion of competition with emerging countries which, based on imitation and cheap labor, knocks out many traditional products, especially the Italian ones; on the other, the acceleration of innovation (in technology, processing data and information) that quickly renders obsolete long and established experience and destroys technological rents seemingly unassailable.
This, in essence, means that dealing with this situation, for the most part irreversible, requires rethinking the company since its foundation; it means recovering the centrality of creativity against the repetitiveness, of the person against the organization. Here, then, that people become (and not just in words) the key asset of any business, asset on which focus investment. A collateral consequence, but by no means least, is that the size of the company is reduced in importance in the face of creative skills that can be implemented in practice and also by a small group of people, if not a single person.
From this point of view, the Loccioni experience presents some positive anomaly.
The start-up business of Enrico Loccioni is based on aessentially weak codified knowledge: only much later he will deserve every right a degree “honoris causa”, but at the time it is just a simple electrician technical expert, and, similarly, he can not take account of contextual knowledge in an area that has no tradition in sophisticated technologies.
The “plus” of Loccioni is curiosity: an inexhaustible curiosity about things, people, processes, machinery, and an extraordinary ability to absorb and generate knowledge that is transformed into concrete innovation.
This, briefly, is what is defined “enterprise of knowledge”, which Loccioni widely deserves.
But, as the responsible entrepreneur reinvests its profits for its own benefit and for the development of the territory in which he operates, so the knowledge gained should be re-invested in favour of the social environment, generating spin-offs and innovativation.
It is the aspect, so to say, of the enterprise knowledge, the one that spreads, as in a fertile seed, the logics of development.
Mario Bartocci