Loccioni Group at RENA event ‘A caccia di pionieri’
The 16 of November, in Florence, Enrico Loccioni will attend the meeting, ‘A caccia di pionieri’ organized by Rena Association (Rete per l’Eccellenza NAzionale). Rena aims at setting an ambitious and revolutionary goal: to find ‘new pioneers’ by means of an analysis of the web in order to tell the current change throughout its concrete doers.
The pioneers ‘are organizations that feed themselves with collective intelligence, not individuals. Organizations that are working in the National area bringing innovation and change, using new methods of production’ . These collective subjects represent change as an ethical challenge connected with the four values on which Rena is gronded: openess, responsability, transparency, balance.
For people not able to attend the meeting, the event will be provided in live streaming, commented on Facebook and on Twitter (@ProgettoRENA – official hashtag #pionieri).