Loccioni Group within the Italian Best Practices of Emmot
13th October 2010
Bill Emmott, ex Editor of The Economist, and author of his new book “Forza, Italia – come ripartire dopo Berlusconi”, write about the struggle between the “good and bad Italia”, among economical an cultural best practices, the mafia battle against political clientele and ultraconservative policy.
Loccioni Group is mentioned as one of the Italian Best Practices.
Here, two of the articles that talk about the book:
> Il Sole 24 Ore Domenica (pag 29) “Da Nord a Sud: Forza, buona Italia” di Gianni Riotta – 10 Ottobre 2010
> Il Corriere della Sera (pag. 39) “Cercando i semi della ripresa_Da Caserta a Torino: viaggio di Bill Emmott tra le nostre virtù” di Massimo Mucchetti – 10 Ottobre 2010