Loccioni Research at Automatica 2012

Loccioni Research for Innovation participates to Automatica 2012, the 5th international fair for automation and mechatronic, presenting 2 european research projects:

Grace (inteGration of pRocess and quAlity Control using multi-agEnt technology) is a focused NMP research project under the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission on “Adaptive Control Systems for Responsive Factories”. The project aims to improve the future manufacturing industryand is developed in partnership with Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Portugal), SIEMENS AG (Germany), Sintef (Norway), Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy) and Whirlpool Europe s.r.l. (Italy).
EchordInterAID (Interactive Mobile Manipulators for Advanced Industrial Diagnostics) is an experiment conducted with Fraunhofer IPA under the umbrella of ECHORD (the European Clearing House for Open Robotics Development) with the aim to develop an  innovative mobile manipulator conceived for advanced industrial diagnostics.