Happy Birthday to everybody!

Today we turn 45. Everyone of us, staff, customers, suppliers and partners.
That’s how it happens when the boundaries between people and their competences thins, transforming in a flow of knowledge and experience that diffuses all around the enterprise.
Thinking about that order signed by Merloni on July 30th 1968, I remember a chart that a man from Merloni Group shared with me more than 20 years ago. It perfectly tells about the story of the Loccioni Group, and today, looking at it, it is an announcement of future.
It tells about the different levels in which enterprises can be classified. Starting from industrial plant, in 1991 the Group moved toward the research and design of the future, with the clear mission of improving the quality of life.
Passion is the engine that every day drive us along the boundaries of innovation; but we need to go beyond, and build our knowledge company.
We have to be brave and keep on searching for new projects in the world, bringing them here and creating new jobs.
We can do this thanks to our customers, suppliers and employees
: the best in the world; it is thanks to you all that we can develope the future.
Happy Birthday to everybody!!

Enrico e Graziella