Maria Cristina Loccioni, the new President of the Young Confindustria Entrepreneurs of Ancona
She has collaborated with the Group of Young Confindustria Entrepreneurs of Ancona since 2009 and has been particularly involved in the “Impara a intraprendere” (Learn how to start a company) Project telling her own experiences to young people.
She has always actively participated to the meetings and travels promoted by the Group and has always maintained strong relations with the other local companies. The key word of the program she has presented and on which she will focus for the next three years together with her team will be represented by the heritage of relations articulated into three main steps: the valorisation of the entrepreneurial fabric, the association network and the company culture and development.
The Executive Board is also composed by: Matteo Accorroni, Fabio Agabiti Rosei, Francesca Baldoni, Luca Busco, Linda Campolucci, Stefano Castignani, Daniele Crognaletti, Emanuele Eusebi, Giovanni Fiorini, Aldo Giacanella, Francesca Gambadori, Andrea Garbini, Michele Lattanzi, Tommaso Pozzi, Sara Ripesi e Andrea Staffolani.
The New president of the Young Entrepreneurs will also be by right the Vice President in the Confindustria Executive Board of Ancona, the government authority of the association.