Soft Economy. Innovation, beauty and sustainabiliy

In this context, an important reference point is “Europe 2020“, the strategy by which the EU wants to realize, in the next ten years, an economic growth capable of integrating intelligence, sustainability and solidarity. The concept of “green economy“, then, doesn’t mean simply the construction of photovoltaic systems and the implementation of energy efficiency, because it invests “innovation” as a whole, in every products and production processes, looking for quality. This means putting knowledge at the service of improving the lives of people and environment protection.
This is, furthermore, the value of a ‘”knowledge enterprise that seeks quality work and people to do it”, as alway stated by Enrico Loccioni, one of the speakers at this first meeting of Soft Economy festival.
The recent history of our Group demonstrates a great effort to carry out sustainable projects as the Leaf Community or the “adoption” of the river Esino, which translate into concrete actions the values ​​of corporate social responsibility, creating beauty and taking care of environment.
After all, as the old village priest reminded Loccioni, “we’re just passing through, we do not carry anything away, but we have to leave things a little better than we found them“. This is, perhaps, the truest sense of the word “sustainability“.